Why Ubuy App?
We are the largest cross-border online shopping platform in Spain! We offer endless possibilities with the Ubuy luxury shopping app! Check out millions of products on our global shopping app in both Android & iOS.

Access to 100M+ Products Worldwide
Explore global products from the USA, UK, Kuwait, Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Korea. Shop from premium international brands in electronics, home goods, fashion & jewellery, beauty and personal care, etc. Experience shopping like never before with quality choices at your fingertips!

Global Delivery to 180+ Countries
Experience effortless global shipping with Ubuy. Our reliable services ensure swift delivery for a smooth shopping experience, whether in a city or a remote area.

Perks of Shopping from Ubuy App
Unlock shopping delights with the Ubuy cross-border shopping App

Catàleg ampli amb més de 100 milions de productes internacionals

Enviament a tot el món

preus competitius

Col·lecció curada de marques premium i de luxe

100% garantia de devolució dels diners

Política de devolució i reemborsament flexible

Atenció al client 24/7

Socis logístics de classe mundial
International Shopping Made Easy! Say Goodbye to Challenges
Start a stress-free global shopping journey with the Ubuy app

Localized Experiences
Shop in your local language for an experience that speaks directly to you.

Shop in Local Currency
Think globally, shop locally! We simplify your transactions with local currency options.

Shipping & Costs
You can choose convenient shipping options, whether express or standard. Check our shipping policy for more insights.

We’ve partnered with trusted logistics companies, like DHL and FedEx, for secure and efficient deliveries.

Paperwork Made Simpler
Say goodbye to paperwork woes as we provide a hassle-free shopping journey.

Custom Regulations and Fees
We provide the required information on customs fees and regulations to help you make the right international shopping decisions.

Opcions de pagament
Choose from various payment options such as Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and more for easy transactions!
How It Works?
Never Miss Out on Great
Deals & Offers
Stay ahead with exclusive deals and unmissable offers on global brands with our online shopping app. Get a personalised shopping experience!

Press Praise
Making Waves in Headlines!

Obteniu productes internacionals amb l'aplicació de compres per a mòbils d'Ubuy
Obteniu el món de les compres de luxe al vostre abast amb l’aplicació de la compra global d’Ubuy! Tant si busqueu troballes de moda premium com productes tecnològics moderns, la nostra aplicació té alguna cosa per a vosaltres. Descarregueu l'aplicació de compres global Ubuy per a dispositius Android & iOS i experimenteu el millor entre les aplicacions de compres internacionals.
Compra productes premium de forma global
És un entusiasta de la moda que busca productes internacionals? Esteu buscant l'aplicació perfecta de compres transfrontereres per a les vostres necessitats tecnològiques? No mireu més! La nostra aplicació de compres de luxe us permet comprar les darreres tendències directament des dels transitats carrers de Tòquio o Nova York. Descobreix estils distintius i millora el teu armari com res més.
Ubuy té diverses categories per explorar i permetre comprar roba, sabates i joieria! Tant si es tracta d’allò essencial com si es tracta de tractar-se, la nostra aplicació de compres en línia internacional simplifica trobar exactament el que desitgeu.
Obteniu la millor experiència d'aplicació de compres entre fronteres
L’experiència Ubuy no s’atura aquí! La nostra aplicació compleix totes les vostres necessitats quan compra des dels EUA, Regne Unit, Japó, Xina, Corea, Turquia i molt més. La nostra aplicació de compres en línia transfronterera us permet navegar i comprar fàcilment de les vostres marques internacionals preferides. Independentment d’on estiguis, Ubuy manté els productes premium sempre al teu abast.
Obteniu la millor aplicació per comprar Globalment Avui!
Experimenta la comoditat de comprar en qualsevol moment i en qualsevol lloc amb l’aplicació Ubuy Mobile Shop. La nostra interfície fàcil d’utilitzar facilita la navegació de milers de productes i la compra segura amb només uns quants clics. Algunes categories per explorar la nostra aplicació són:
Botiga per a la roba, les sabates i les joies: Explora el món de la moda amb la nostra selecció de peces de vestir premium. Compreu il·limitats en una de les millors aplicacions de moda internacional per estar al davant de les tendències!
Botiga per a bellesa i atenció personal: Gaudeix d’esquivar el luxe amb productes de bellesa coreans, cosmètics i més per mimar-se sempre. Ubuy és l’elecció perfecta entre diversos aplicacions de compres de bellesa i cura personal per aconseguir productes globals directament a la vostra porta!
Botiga per a queviures i aliments gourmet: Eleva la teva experiència culinària amb la nostra clàssica curació. Compreu productes premium a nivell mundial amb Ubuy i obteniu la millor qualitat i sabor que us agradi les vostres papil·les gustatives.
Botiga per a articles d'automòbil: Actualitzeu el vostre viatge amb articles de primer nivell dissenyats per al rendiment. Tant si sou un entusiasta com un conductor casual, trobeu tot el que necessiteu per a un passeig suau i elegant!
Botiga per articles electrònics: Descobriu els aparells i les tecnologies més recents per a una casa moderna. Amb l'aplicació de compres a tot el món, els aparells i dispositius d'avantguarda no estan lluny del vostre abast!
Botiga per a la salut i les llars: Assegureu-vos el vostre benestar amb els nostres productes que us donen suport. Obteniu un estil de vida més saludable avui en dia, des de vitamines i suplements fins a productes de neteja ecològics.
Preparat per elevar la vostra experiència de compres? Descarregueu l’aplicació Ubuy Global Shopping d’avui i descobriu per què som la millor aplicació per comprar a nivell mundial. Amb la nostra àmplia selecció, les primeres capacitats transfrontereres i la comoditat inigualable, Ubuy ofereix compres de luxe al màxim.
Preguntes freqüents
What Makes Ubuy App Different from Other Shopping Platforms?
Ubuy stands out for its curated global selection, top-notch customer service, and competitive pricing. Discover the world's best products all in one place!
Can I Search for Products In the Local Language?
Yes. You can enjoy a personalised online shopping experience by browsing in your preferred local language.
Does the Ubuy App Deliver to Spain From the USA, UK, China, Hong Kong, Korea, & Japan?
Certainly! Ubuy global shopping app offers worldwide delivery to Spain from these top international destinations.
Can I shop from the USA to Spain with the Ubuy App?
Absolutely! Ubuy facilitates seamless online shopping from the USA to Spain, bringing the world to your doorstep.
Which Payment Methods Can I Use for International Shopping on the Ubuy App?
You can choose from various payment methods like PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and RuPay. We make your international shopping experience smooth and secure.
How Long Does Ubuy Take for My Order to Be Delivered?
Delivery times vary, but we aim for swift shipping. Check the estimated delivery time for your specific order during checkout.
What are the Most Common Reasons Why a Payment Is Declined for International Shopping?
Common reasons include insufficient funds, payment provider issues, or security concerns. Double-check your details or try an alternative payment method.
What is the Customs Duty on International Parcels?
Customs duties vary by country. Check your local customs regulations or, for specific, contact support at info@ubuy.com or visit our tariffs page.
Why is My Package Being Held in Customs?
Customs may hold packages for inspection or clearance. Contact our support for assistance and updates on your shipment.
Do I Have to Pay Customs to Ship Internationally?
Customs fees may apply. Familiarise yourself with local regulations to avoid surprises and ensure a smooth delivery process.
How Much Custom Duty in Spain?
Customs duties differ; consult local authorities or our support for accurate information on customs charges in Spain for an effortless online shopping experience.
How Many Days Will It Take to Clear Customs Clearance?
Customs clearance times vary. For updates on your specific order, contact our support team at info@ubuy.com.
What Happens If I Refuse to Pay Customs Charges?
Refusing to pay customs charges may result in your package being returned. Contact our support for guidance on resolving such issues.
Should You Pay in Local Currency When Shopping with the Ubuy App?
Ubuy ensures a smooth experience by letting you shop in your local currency. Paying in local currency ensures convenience and transparency for a smooth shopping journey.
What is the Eligibility for Buy Now Pay Later on Ubuy?
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia residents can enjoy the convenience of 'Buy Now, Pay Later' with specific eligibility criteria. For more information, you can contact us at info@ubuy.com.
How Can I Check the Shipping Costs Before Placing an Order?
You can easily check the shipping costs during checkout. Just enter your delivery details to get accurate quotes before placing your order.
Are Ubuy Products Covered by Warranty?
Yes, Ubuy products are covered by our comprehensive warranty plans, offering three options: the Basic Plan, Plus Plan, and Platinum Plan. Each plan provides varying levels of coverage for your peace of mind and satisfaction with your purchase. For specific details about each plan and its coverage, please refer to the terms outlined on our warranty page or contact our customer service for assistance.
What Currency Will I Be Charged for International Purchases?
Your international purchases will be charged in the currency of the country you are purchasing from.
Can I Request a Call Back from Ubuy Customer Support?
To request a callback from Ubuy Customer Support, visit our Contacta amb nosaltres page. You can call us for quick assistance. Alternatively, submit your queries via email or chat support. We're here to help you promptly and efficiently.
Is Ubuy Customer Support Available 24/7?
Ubuy's customer support is available 24/7 for any queries or concerns. We're here for you around the clock.
How Can I Reach Ubuy Customer Support in Case of Issues?
Contact Ubuy customer support through the app, website, or email at info@ubuy.com. We also have a WhatsApp chat service to assist you promptly with any queries.
How Can I Check the Status of My Support Ticket?
Easily track the status of your support ticket through our app or website. Stay informed about the progress of your query or concern.
What Languages Does Ubuy Customer Support Offer Assistance In?
Ubuy's customer support assists in English and Arabic while ensuring effective communication. Email and chat support are also available in all native languages for a convenient online shopping experience tailored to individual preferences.
How Can I Provide Feedback on My Ubuy Shopping Experience?
We value your feedback on your Ubuy shopping experience! You can leave a review on our Trustpilot, App Store, and Play Store pages. Your insights help us improve the online shopping experience and assist others in making informed choices. Thank you for being a part of the Ubuy community!